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John W. Furst

Pulling the plug isn't easy for some corporations. It always leaves the scent that it's some employee's fault. --John


I like this approach -
It's very liberating to take the view that its okay to have bad ideas. By not avoiding bad ideas, it frees us up to find the occasional good one buried among the rest.
Thanks for sharing. By the way, I found you over at the Carnival of Small Business Issues (http://www.businessopportunitiesandideas.co.uk/460/carnival-of-small-business-issues-26)


John and Liz,

Thanks for the comments. It's like selling. Every prospect isn't going to buy and every idea isn't going to make money. But you'll never succeed if you don't try and that means a few "failures" along the way.

Also, thanks to the Carnival of Small Business Ideas for picking up the post.

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