Well, we're almost there. It's hard to believe it's the last weekend before Christmas. Depending on who you talk to, it's either been a good 4th quarter or it hasn't. Dealers I've talked to tell me things are pretty good. Even in a tight economy, people seem to find a way to spend for Christmas.
There's been some strange weather this month which may have affected things, too. Here in the heartland, we were scraping windshields last night and this morning it was 50 degrees. As I write this (at 4:20 PM) it's 38 degrees again. They're telling us the HIGH Sunday may be in the teens!
Last weekend I was in Branson, MO, the big tourist destination in the Missouri Ozarks. Traffic on the town's main street is legendary. In spite of a number of other routes that have put in to relieve the congestion, the traffic on Country Music Boulevard was comparable to any summer weekend. The outlet malls were full. It took us an hour to get onto the parking lot of Silver Dollar City, the area's 1880's theme park. It took another hour to get back out. Apparently word of te recession hasn't reached the Ozarks yet.
So, as we enter the final weekend of Christmas, 2008, I hope you're finding ways to keep America spending and working.
This Sunday at sundown begins the Jewish season of Hannukah. All of us at Tacony Corporation want to wish our Jewish friends a blessed holiday. Hopefully the rest of 2008 will be a time of peace and harmony among all the world's people.
I guess I have to write about this. I've put it off about as long as I can. This is also the last weekend that I'll be your blogmaster. After twenty-nine years I'm retiring from Tacony Corporation. Christmas Eve will be my last day on the job, but December 31 is my last official day. (I'll be on vacation in between.)
Mine Your Own Business will continue with Bill Hinderer, our President and COO as blogmaster general. I'm leaving you in good hands.
This is post number 679 of MYOB and I appreciate your coming along for the ride. Frankly, most blogs don't last that long and I can see why. Sometimes the creative juices flow and other days finding something to write about is like climbing Mt. Everest. Thank you for taking the bad along with the good. I'd also like to thank all the great bloggers and other journalists whose work has been the inspiration for so many posts. I'm not going to try to name them all because I'll forget somebody and then I'll feel bad. I would like to mention Doug Fleener, though. Doug has been personally encouraging and his on-going support is much appreciated. Krisha De and Anna Farmery have also been very encouraging. Krishna was even nice enough to invite me to speak at Podcamp Ireland. She's a brave lady.
If you're interested, I will continue on my own blog which you can find here. But please stay tuned to MYOB because the future is bright and Tacony Corporation is committed to giving you the information you need to work ON your business, not just IN your business.