OK, I will give you my two
--- one for work and one for my free time.
Google Desktop – This one is
a wonderful time saver. You download the
free application from Google and you can then search everything on your
computer files (Word, Excel, e-mails, etc.) just like you search for websites
on Google. A small search window is
inserted at the bottom of your screen that can be used from any application you
are running. (It just showed that I have
139 documents referencing MYOB on my computer.)
Testimonial – One of our Marketing Managers actually stopped me in the
hall and thanked me for telling her about Google Desktop. She said she sues it all the time.
Google Earth – Flying back
from Florida earlier this month, we flew right over Cairo, IL, the town at the
confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.
We then flew up the river on the Missouri side on up into St. Louis. I saw
several big developments I had not seen before and wondered what they
were. I got home, went to Google Earth,
and downloaded it onto my new computer.
I then started the application, clicked on the satellite view of the
middle of our North American continent and zoomed in on St. Louis. I followed
the Mississippi river south and “revisited” the sites that I had just
flown over. Included was the largest
cement plant in the US, just being completed near Ste. Genevieve. (It also looks like there is a nice golf
course overlooking the river in Cape Girardeau that I might have to check out some day.) I have also used Google Earth to check out
our facility in Southampton, England and see how close it is to the container port. It is an amazing application, even if you
just want to see what your house looks like from the air.
OK, your turn. Please share your favorite download.