There are numerous strategies on ways to grow your small business. An article from USA Today that compares growing your business to squeezing oranges, certainly a novel comparison. What are the oranges? The article makes the point that the oranges or baskets of oranges are the products, services, customers, and employees your business already has. A second major point of the article is that is always easier to squeeze the baskets of oranges you already have as opposed to creating new baskets of oranges.
The article provides many options for growing a small business and recommends some of the most effective and at the same time least expensive ways to get more juice out your baskets of oranges.
You can read the whole article here.
I am advising my retail clients to turn to their best customers, and reinvigorate those relationships in as personal a way as possible. I have a blog post up about this very point at Special events, referral reward programs (gift certificates to the best restaurant in town!), personalized emails, even phone calls, whatever it takes to let your best customers know how important they are to you.
Posted by: Ted Hurlbut | June 26, 2009 at 10:35 AM