Last week, over 500 independent sewing retailers and staff
attended our Baby Lock division’s annual dealer convention, Baby Lock Tech (or BLT). Although this was our 20th BLT, it was the first BLT
during these tough
economic times and we had some concerns before it started. I thought I would share how our concerns
matched the reality.
Concern 1: Attendance
would be off substantially.
Reality 1: Attendance was up quite a bit from last year
and was one of the largest ever.
Concern 2: The mood
of the independent retailers would be pretty depressed.
Reality 2: In almost all cases, our dealers were very
upbeat about the rest of this year and looked forward to things improving even
more in 2010.
Concern 3: The dealers’
business would have been significantly impacted by the economic downturn.
3: Most dealers I asked felt that
although they had to work harder to make the same amount of sales their overall
2009 sales were about the same as last year.
Concern 4: No one
would be interested in new high-end, premium-priced products.
4: Although their customers are perhaps
more value-conscious, most dealers felt that many customers would buy if they
could be shown a product that was unique and worth the price.
Concern 5: Consumer
financing would be hard to find for big-ticket items.
5: While this was a problem last fall,
most dealers felt that they had found options that would work for their
customers this year.
Concern 6: St. Louis can be really hot and humid in the end of August.
6: It never got above 80 degrees and the
humidity was low. Michigan or Missouri?
My hat is off to Steve Jeffery, President of Baby Lock USA, and his entire team for another amazing job with BLT 2009. Also, a special thanks to all of our Baby Lock retailers who made the trip to St. Louis.
It takes a lot of dedication to operate an
independent retail business today. We
are proud that so many dedicated retailers choose to do business with Tacony Corporation.
Bill Hinderer, President