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I feed the birds as well and the grocery store kind has a lot of seed that the birds just throw out to get to the good stuff. Buying local lets me pick and choose the kind I like to attract the birds I enjoy watching.


I don't feed the birds but I do feed the squrrals and rabbits in my back yard. Yes it keeps them comming back an great pleasure for me just to watch them. If you feed your customers with good quality products and service they will keep comming back too.

Bob Vasile

We are considering a frequent buyers program, so your post is very timely for us. We feel (hopefully) that we always offer the good customer service aspect. Having both good customer service and a frequent buyers program should help fight the big box stores. Thanks for the post!

Randy Alletag


Thanks for your comment. You make a good point. The bird seed I like has a high sunflower content and it pays off because I've counted 12 cardinals at once in the winter.

If you e-mail me your mailing address at [email protected] I'll get your prize out next week.

Thanks again,
Randy Alletag

Randy Alletag


Thanks for your comment. I make sure to get enough seed to feed the squirrels as well (we have about 8 in our backyard). I agree with you about products and service, it is even in our company Mission Statement.

If you e-mail me your mailing address at [email protected] I'll get your prize out next week.

Thanks again,
Randy Alletag

Randy Alletag


Thanks for your comment. Good luck with your frequent buyers program. It should work very well with your good customer service.

If you e-mail me your mailing address at [email protected] I'll get your prize out next week.

Thanks again,
Randy Alletag

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