We do a lot of postings on customer service, if you're curious about how many just click on the link to all of our Customer Service postings on the right hand side of this page under Categories. We do more postings in Sales and Salesmanship and General Business, but customer service still has a huge impact on any business. We ran across this article in USA Today that made the point that "aesthetics is a part of customer service" and is very important to the success of your business along with quality service and reasonable pricing.
The article provides a couple of examples of businesses that are losing customers because they aren't paying enough attention to this aspect of customer service, so how can an owner address this issue. Next time you walk into your place of business try to step back and take an objective look at your business. Is it clean, well lit, and generally attractive. Better yet, ask your employees and some of your regular customers if they have any suggestions (or if you are married, your husband or wife). You might get some great free advice. A last point, if you like this article there is a link to other postings by Gladys Edmunds' columns at the bottom of the page.