Pricing is a frequent topic on Mine Your Own Business, one of the most recent ones was on June 10th in Time to Raise Prices? where we discussed if it was time to think about increasing the prices of your product due to the improving economy. While the economy is still slowly improving (at least for most of us), an article in USA Today caught my attention based on two things, the idea of cutting prices to match the competition and the fact that I'm on vacation in Florida and just flew down here from St. Louis via Southwest Airlines which is mentioned in the article (Southwest Airlines, not my vacation).
The flight from St. Louis to Florida was completely filled with not an empty seat, but the flight left on time, the crew was friendly and efficient, and we arrived on time. We got some snacks and a free beverage. What more could you ask for? The point made in the article is that Southwest Airlines provided just what we wanted, efficient transportation to Florida with minimal frills, something to think about when you are considering pricing for your small business.