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This is so interesting to read those two examples you have written here.Well I don't remember my any experience but yes I had this type of experience which you have mentioned regarding customer.

Chris Eastvedt

This is so true. Making that extra effort gives your customers a reason to care; to talk about you and return again and again. It's authentic and builds a relationship. It makes your business stand out in an endless sea of competition. Wouldn't it be wonderful if more businesses felt this way?

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Customers want to feel that their issue is important and they want to treat like a valued client. Most important thing is to treat customer like you would treat your friend.

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That true as people will forget what you said.People will forget what you did but they will never forget if you made them happy.Customer will satisfy if they are given the good services as well as the good quality too.So all the things should be taken into consideration.


I believe that every customer when it approaches to you it is your duty to handle them with the full efficiency. The customer is the only people who let you make your product more aware to the market and his satisfaction is the main thing for business.

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Make an extra effort allows your customers a reason to care about you and come back again and again. It is authentic and establishes a relationship. It makes your company stand out in an endless sea of competition.

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Do what more effort to give customers the treatment in September, to talk to you and return again and again. This is a true and build a relationship. It makes your company stand out in an endless sea of competition.

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This is very true because in this way you will build a great relationship with your customer. And is very important to build bonds with customers as it helps the business to prosper.

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I think politeness does all the magic here. Walking an extra mile by being polite does all the work for the customer as well as for the seller.

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In your post two example is quite interesting. I don't remember my experience of this but i have this type of experience which you have mentioned in this post.

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This is the very simple and a basic technique which should be used by every one as work is always made by politeness and not by order or rudeness.

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Making this extra effort gives your customers a reason to talk about health for you and return again and again. It is real and constructed. It makes your business stand out in an endless sea of ​​competition.

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