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Being number one or two is not the main thing. It is to be kept in mind that whether the goods the countries are producing is cost effective or not. As the rate of a commodity rises the consumers will automatically shift to low cost goods to fulfill their needs. So I think China is doing great in this aspect and their business will flourish more than other countries.


I too read that article and was struck by the mention that while manufacturing is going up in the US, jobs in manufacturing are not as the process is more hi tech and humans are not needed to man these assembly lines. Jobs in manufacturing are rising slightly as companies become more confident.

Embroidery Designs

Interesting one and direct to the point


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That is the key line: Productivity Growth. These days Americans dont believe in those words because there is no honor in the American economy let alone earning the $. Nobody wants to work for it anymore and no American wants to work jobs that are available.
For more info pls visit here:

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