Many small business owners are so passionate about their business that they rarely, if ever think about retirement and put in long hours contributing to the success of their business. In the past this would seem to be a recipe for an earlier death than someone who retired early and spent their retirement on the golf course or other pleasurable pastimes. USA Today reports on a 90 year study that followed 1,528 Americans with surprising results on how to live a longer and healhtier life. These are the five myths they found about thriving:
- Thinking happy thoughts reduces stress and leads to a longer life.
- Gardening and walking aren't enough to keep you healthy.
- Lighten up; being serious is bad for you.
- Take it easy and don't work so hard. You'll live longer.
- Get married and you will live longer.
Many of these fly in the face of past conventional wisdom. I think myths number 1, 4, and 5 were the most surprising to me, although you might be more surprised at some of the other results of the study. I recently read someplace about one tip mentioned in the article that can contribute to a long healthy life. The study found that being active in middle age was the most important attribute of all, so beware all you middle aged couch potatoes.
A complex issue with a small amount of evidence suggesting that refined sugar products in Japanese may be related to an increase in the occurrence of acne. But most studies don’t support a causal relationship which is further complicated by genetics that definitely do play a role and certainly pre-exist the introduction of the refined sugar foods. While the Japanese diet does include a large amount of iodine, true excess iodine causes certain thyroid diseases that don’t seem to be...
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Posted by: Account Deleted | May 16, 2011 at 05:50 AM