How to approach your regular customers when they come through the front door of your business is usually pretty simple. If they are frequent visitors to your store you have already established some sort of relationship with them and sometimes even a close one. But how to approach a new prospective customer can be very daunting for some store owners and their employees. 6 Things to Tell Every Customer Who Walks in the Door gives six tips from small business owners on how to address this issue with both new and regular customers.
- "How's the weather treating you?"
- "Let me introduce you to our team."
- "Have you visited our store before?"
- "Try us out for free."
- "Would you like some coffee?"
- "I want you to be happy."
I know from personal experience that the free coffee works. My father-in-law has been gone for over fifteen years, so times have changed a little bit, but knew every bank, gas station, car dealer, hardware store, etc. in his neighborhood that had free coffee. Those were the ones he always visited on a regular basis. He might not always buy something, but it did get him in the door.
The article also makes a strong point for asking the customer if they've visited your store before. The article cites a study that showed it could increase sales by 16 percent. It also works as a way to determine how they found your store in the first place, which is very valuable information. So, do you have any icebreakers that seem to work better than others in your store?
I think blackout is her best album .
i just think it doesn't get that much recognition
cuz it came out around the time she went nuts and stuff.
Femme Fatale is great but think Blackout is the best.
For more info pls visit here:
Posted by: Account Deleted | May 16, 2011 at 05:52 AM