I had to name this post More Friday Fun since we had already done a post called Friday Fun back in May of last year. It focused on an article about six ways a small business could use video to attract customers, increase their rankings, and differentiate their products from competitors. I checked out the fun links I mentioned in the post (fortunately) since I found that the link to Will It Blend had changed so here is the correct link. There are eighteen pages of videos that show that a Bentec blender can blend about anything.
Now for another fun (and rather strange) article about some research that found that people with a full bladder exercised more self restraint when it came to making expensive or important decisions leading to a wiser choice. You have to wonder how they came up with the idea to do this study in the first place and also how they were able to get funding for it. I then got curious about the title of such an article and when I used the search phrase "bladder control and decision making" I came up with pages and pages of results. Who knew this would be such a popular topic?
One thing a small business owner can take away from this research is to keep the bathroom your customers would use very clean and if you are in the middle of a sales demonstration and the prospective customer asks to use the bathroom, be sure and let them. According to this research it just might close the sale for you.