Well technically summer doesn't end until September 22, 2009 at 5:18 pm EDT in the northern hemisphere (I looked it up on the Internet of course), but after Labor Day it sure does feel like the end of Summer. With that in mind, here is a very different and entertaining article from USA Today comparing running a small business to white-water rafting.
Some of you may feel that is a bit of a stretch, but the main point of the article is that white water rafting can be very challenging (this trip was a IV+ on a scale from I to VI) and so can running a small business. By the way class I is so easy you can take a small child and think of the great movie Deliverence as a class VI, so this trip was pretty challenging. The writer gives 9 parallels white water rafting has with running a small business. It's a thought provoking and entertaining article and well worth reading.