We are all familiar with Black Friday for large retailers and Cyber Monday for online retailers. I was curious about the history and sales volume on those two days, so I included a link to them in case you are curious like I was In case you don't have time to read the very interesting articles at the links above, Black Friday began as long ago as 1966 and Cyber Monday is a much more recent shopping tradition starting in 2005.
Now American Express is anticipating increase sales for small businesses on the weekend after Thanksgiving by promoting Small Business Saturday on Facebook and Twitter this year. The first 10,000 small business owners who sign up will get $100 of Facebook advertising. American Express plans for a $25 credit to 100,000 of their card holders who promise to use their cards at a small business on Saturday the 27th.
You can view the Facebook promotion of the new plan here. A couple of encouraging points about this new plan is that Cyber Monday has been increasing in popularity every year since its inception. The promoters also realize that Small Business Saturday may not catch on right away, but are committed to supporting it for years to come.