We did a posting last month titled A Simple Way to Survey that described a new survey tool designed for mobile devices that made it easy to create simple and short surveys. Not everyone has an iPhone, iPad, or other smart mobile device (yet), and since both positive and negative feedback from your customers is so crucial I thought it might be a good idea to mention an article I ran across. five cheap or even free Web survey tools. Online Tools to Solicit Feedback from Customers presents five cheap or even free Web survey tools they recommend. The article didn't include links so I've added them below to save you a little time.
I've done the bulk of the Web surveys for Tacony since 2004, so our experience might be beneficial for anyone who is new to surveys. We started off by purchasing survey software and installing it on one of our servers. We got pretty good response rates from our surveys by offering coupons and other incentives. Probably the most effective technique has been offering points that can be redeemed for merchandise.
We are still using the survey software since it is extremely cost effective, but it was incapable of doing some of the more advanced functions and reporting we sometimes needed, so we tried one of the premium versions of SurveyMonkey with excellent results. I did check out all the other tools mentioned above and they all looked like they would work very well for starting out with Web surveys. One of the most important things to remember is to use both the positive and negative results to actively improve your business since that is the whole reason for doing surveys in the first place.